St. John’s is a part of the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, a family of 42 churches and 85 million Christians across the world.
The particular expression of the Christian faith found in the Episcopal Church has been heavily influenced by the experiences of the English Reformation, when the alternation of Catholic and Protestant monarchs was accompanied by violence and religious persecution. The Anglican “middle way” arose as a response to those cycles of fear and violence with the hope for a church that would be both Catholic and Reformed, and that would allow enough space for individual conscience and belief so that all Christians might be able to find a place within it. Over the centuries that focus on inclusivity and community has remained a core part of our Episcopal/Anglican identity. Whoever you are, and whatever you believe, the Episcopal Church welcomes you.
As a church, we affirm the authority of Scripture as the living word of God that contains all things necessary for salvation. We hold to the historic formulations of the Christian faith proclaimed in the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed. And we pattern our ministry through the traditional ordering of bishops, priests, deacons, and lay people.
We believe in the two great sacraments instituted by Christ—baptism and the Holy Eucharist. Baptism is the rite of full initiation into the Christian Church, which we offer to both children and adults. The Eucharist, also known as “the Lord’s Supper,” “Mass,” or “Holy Communion,” is our central act of worship on Sundays and major feast days. Episcopalians also affirm and use the traditional sacramental rites of confirmation, ordination, holy matrimony, reconciliation, and the anointing of the sick.
While holding fast to these central aspects of the Christian tradition, we seek to be open to encountering Christ in all people. And we believe that membership in a diverse worshiping community deepens our knowledge and experience of God, and helps us to a deeper understanding of God’s ongoing activity in our lives and in the world around us.
In common with other parishes of the Episcopal Church, we enjoy the full and equal ministry of women. And we celebrate and affirm same-sex marriages.