Our baptismal covenant commits us to seek to “serve Christ in all persons,” to strive “for justice and peace among all people,” and to proclaim, “by word and example the Good News of God in Christ.”
Volunteering and offering our time and talents in the service of others and the community are key parts of living out lives of faith. Volunteering is also a great way to get to know people, build a sense of purpose, and deepen your own role in the community.
At St. John’s, we offer a host of ways for you to be of service.
Some of these ways are inward focused to help strengthen and support our community here. You might, for example, help with Sunday morning coffee hour, or assist in the hospitality for a major parish event. You might offer your time to assist with Children’s Chapel or youth activities. Or you might become involved in our pastoral care ministries.
Other areas you can be of service are more outward focused such as helping to offer hospitality for the Blessing of the Hounds, or becoming involved with our annual Festival for Friends concert and coat drive.
And there are yet other opportunities to be involved with the work of the church, by reaching beyond our parish to take deliveries of clothes to Paul’s Place, or by offering practical help to meet the needs of those refugees to whom St. John’s offers sponsorship and support.
These are just some of the ways you can be of service at St. John’s. If you already know there’s a ministry you’d like to be involved in, you can sign up by contacting the office (410-429-4690 or administrator@stjohnswrp.org) or by speaking to a clergy person after worship. If you’d like help to discern where and how to get more involved, contact a member of the clergy.