Adult Forums

Adult Forums are a central and much-loved part of our Christian Formation program at St John’s.

From September to May, we gather at 9:00 a.m. each Sunday morning in our cozy library to drink coffee and to engage together on some subject of interest and relevance to our shared lives of faith.

The forums are led by a wide range of people with clergy, members of the congregation, and outside guests taking turns to lead short series focused on a subject that interests them.

Recent forums have included the following:

  • Jessy Jordan leading us through an exploration of the ancient philosophical schools and comparing their beliefs and practices with those of Christianity.
  • Ron Haflidson inviting us to shed our preconceptions and leading us in deep dive into the Gospel of Matthew as we considered “What the Heck is Hell?”
  • Matt Rothaus Moser facilitating a discussion on Rowan Williams’s short book Being Human, during which we reflected on what it means to be a person and how faith might contribute to human flourishing.
  • The Rev. Thomas Clement inviting us to look with fresh eyes at the short biblical books of Jonah and Ruth.
  • Jamie Gianoutsos helping us to explore the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter.
  • The Rev. Tracy Bruce and the Rev. Stephen Davenport leading us through the complex history, culture, and politics of the Holy Land in their series, Israeli Hope, Palestinian Justice.

Our Adult Forums take place each Sunday from 9 until 10 a.m. from September to May with a short break at Christmas and Easter. Childcare is provided during this time.

Our forums are open to all, and there is no need to sign up in advance. To learn more about upcoming forums, checkout out our Epistle, published twice yearly, or sign up for our weekly Holy Happenings email. Or just contact the parish office.
