Pastoral Care

St. John’s is committed to living into our mission to be a caring and supportive community. We hope that simply by participating in the life of this parish, you will form relationships through which you can give and receive some of that care and support.

Please know that our clergy are available when you need to speak to somebody in confidence. You may be in crisis, contemplating a major change, experiencing a traumatic life event, or simply need to unload some of life’s stresses. We’re here for you. The Rev. Thomas Clement can be contacted at or on his cell phone (443) 845-4397.

Our clergy are supported by the Pastoral Care Commission, whose members seek to provide love and comfort to the community. If you would like to become involved in the pastoral care work, you might want to begin by offering your time and gifts in one of the ministries described below.

The Flower Ministry

The Flower Ministry delivers Sunday’s altar flowers to parishioners who are ill, bereaved, or otherwise in need of cheering. All parishioners are welcome to request altar flowers to share after the 10 a.m. service.

Service of Remembrance

Our annual Service of Remembrance provides a friendly, caring setting where those people who are grieving over the loss of loved ones, or other losses, may share life’s most difficult experiences. The service takes place in December with prayers in the church followed by a light meal in the Parish Hall. Assistance in organizing the December service and meal would be greatly appreciated.

Parish Pantry

Our Parish Pantry Ministry provides home-cooked meals and other food for individuals and families who are experiencing illness, infirmity, or bereavement. It's a small thing, but it can be a real comfort in times of need.


In God's Hands Ministry

As part of the In God’s Hands Ministry, parish volunteers knit, crochet, and do other handiwork, making mini-prayer squares, prayer scarves and prayer shawls to share with those in need in the wider community. Interested parishioners need not know how to knit, crochet, or embroider. We can teach you! The group meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 10 a.m. in the library.

Praying through the Directory and Card Ministry

The Praying through the Directory and Card Ministry is a special prayer cycle where we pray for everyone in the directory throughout the whole year alphabetically, typically four to five families or individuals per week. We let the parishioners know by written note that they were prayed for during the Tuesday Morning Prayer service. Cards are also sent to folks as needed.