Archeological Presentation and Reception

Archeological Dig Presentation
Sept. 19th, 7 pm
25 years ago, thousands of chippings from the production of stone tools were discovered on property owned by St. John’s on the corner of Piney Grove Rd. and Butler Rd. Many of the chippings were from a type of stone that has been called St. John’s quartzite. These chippings have all been carefully studied by archeologists, and the evidence points to the existence of a Paleo-Indian quarry at St. John’s dating back 11,000 to 13,000 years!

Zac Singer, the State Terrestrial Archeologist will bring a team to St. John’s from October 8th through 12th in the hope of finding that quarry. On Thursday, September 19th at 7 pm, Dr. Singer will be giving a presentation at St. John’s to share more about the dig, what he hopes to find, and how the community can get involved. A reception will follow. This event is open to St. John’s members AND the wider community, so please share this information with anybody who may be interested.